2월 25일 토익 REVIEW 정답 [첨부파일]

2월 25일 토익시험 보시느라 수고많으셨어요.

이번에도 얼마나 많이 나왔는지 아시죠?

정답을 통해 한번 리마인드하시고,


3월 토익시험은 워낙에 대박달이니 

열심히 준비해서 꼭 졸업하도록 해봅시다.


Part 1

1. D) She’s facing some merchandise on the shelf.

2. A) There’s a brick wall behind a water fountain.

3. B) The men are setting up some refreshments.

4. C) One of the woman is using a laptop computer.

5. B) They’re taking photographs in a forest.

6. D) Some boats are lined up at the water’s edge.


Part 2

7. A) In Ms. Krishan‘s office

8. C) Sorry, that was me.

9. C) No, with a credit card

10. B) I’m going to visit family in Singapore.

11. C) They’re in my desk drawer.

12. B) Yes, I did

13. A) All of them

14. C) Yes, I’d appreciate that.

15. C) No, I’ve been out of the town.

16. B) No, she’s supposed to arrive this afternoon.

17. A) The announcement will be made next week.

18. B) Not yet, I’m still finishing my revisions.

19. B) The train would be cheaper.

20. C) Our office isn’t accepting new patients.

21. A) Our web site will need to be updated.

22. A) I can help you with that.

23. A) I think they were better last year.

24. B) Don't worry. I’ll be there.

25. C) How long will it take?

26. C) Yes, forty hours a week

27. A) I just had lunch.

28. A) I’ll send you my estimate tomorrow.

29. C) These

are instructions I was given.
(Fans~ thus have plenty of time to enjoy another meal there.)


30. A) I’ve got a meeting in half an hour.

31. B) That meeting was canceled.


Part 3

32. A) 영화촬영장소찾아내기

33. D) busy location

34. B) 매니저와얘기해볼께

35. C) start a new job

36. D) maintenance cost 줄어듦

37. A) training session 참가

38. C) focus group session

39. B) notify location change

40. A) 시작시간

41. D) inspection하러사람

42. C) how long it will take

43. B) refrigerator

44. D) 창문고치기

45. A) 주변건물참조

46. B) 실용적일지?

47. B) 배관공

48. C) 늦어서사과

49. A) 트럭에돌아가기

50. B) 농장시장

51. C) 일자리있는지

52. A) 이메일보내기

53. A) 컨택리스트

54. D) 서류가필요함

55. B) 연락할

56. D)fitness machine