3월 31일 TOEIC review

Part 1

1. D) A man ~ bending over some wires

2. A) A picnic area ~ covered by a roof

3. C) She ~ distributing some envelopes

4. B) A menu board ~ been hung on the wall

5. C) One of the man ~ riding a motorcycle down a street

6. C) One of the paintings ~ displayed in round frame


Part 2

7. C) Yes, thank you

8. A) No, deadline ~ tomorrow

9. B) By hiring a consulting firm

10. B) Yes, a lot

11. B) Next Tuesday

12. C) Sure, do now

13. A) Okay good, busy at the moment

14. B) On my name caed

15. B) The one on 8th street

16. A) The famous singer B~~~

17. A) Tomorrow after lunch

18. B) Waiting for the final cost estimate

19. C) Yes, left on the frontdesk

20. A) We'll do ~ at the end of the summer.

21. C) Yes, she ~ nice speech

22. C) Let's discuss that at our next meeting

23. B) Because another 연설자 was added

24. B) I brought my car today.

25. C) I'm about to pick the cake up.

26. B) A~~~‘s team has done some good work.

27. B) Yes, she’s done it for years.

28. A) already over budget

29. C) Waiting for a few more people

30. A) A new shipping partner찾을필요가있음

31. A) there's not 공간이충분하지않다.


Part 3

32. C) membership 구매하려고

33. A) 장비대여

34. B) contact information

35. D) 신입사원

36. C) manufacturing regulations

37. B) cleanliness test

38. A) 회사뉴스레터에관심이적은

39. D) 그래픽디자인

40. B) 업무 reassign

41. C) 취업기회

42. C) 경험부족

43. B) 동료직원에게말하는

44. A) advertising campaign

45. C) offer거절하는

46. D) menu

47. B) 기자

48. A) materials waste reduce 하기

49. C) process업계에서퍼질것이다

50. C) 홍보

51. B) time availability부족할거라서

52. D) phone call연기하는

53. C) art gallery open

54. B) 안심시키려고

55. C) 차에서 items가져오는

56. D) 전통적인요리에특이한재료를쓴다

57. C) 역사

58. A) 설명이여러언어로적혀있다

59. A) pharmaceutical

60. B) lead discussion

61. B) 휴대폰어플을다운받는

62. A) 참석률낮은